Selection Process
Selecting Your Doors
When choosing a door, think about what is important to you and what you require. You may consider energy efficiency, sound reduction, ventilation, safety and security.
Where will this door be located in your home? For example, you may want bi-folding doors ideal for the entertainment area, or would a sliding stacking door be a better solution to save space and cost? Or perhaps you want to go ‘all French’, with doors that swing open to your beautifully landscaped gardens?
Selecting Your Windows
There are several styles of windows and the one that is most appropriate can depend on the factors most important to you. Consider the amount of space available for the window and it’s location in the home. What is the wind classification of your home? - Ask your builder or council. What level of security do you require? All our windows are fitted with key fasteners as standard and we can screen any style of window or door.
How do you want your window to operate – manually sliding up or down or mechanically wind out? For example, louvre windows, or double hung windows may be ideal for your bathroom or kitchen, or you may choose bi-fold windows ideal for a kitchen servery, breakfast bar or entertainment area. If you want to clean both sides of your windows easily, double hung windows are an option.
Do you require maximum ventilation or do you want to open your windows during inclement weather without bringing it inside? You may be concerned about which window looks best on the outside when opened.
Selecting Your Design
You can choose from the most popular of our designs, or if you are feeling really inspired why not just design your own? There isn’t anything that we can’t do. Give us your idea in any form you like, and we will make it a reality.
Selecting Your Timber

You can choose from five stock timbers: Surian Red Cedar, New Guinea Rosewood, Amoora, Silky Oak or Western Red Cedar. Or you can request other timber types providing they are durable and available such as Eco New Guinea Rosewood, Spotted Gum or Jarrah.
Selecting Your Glass
Selecting the correct glass for your doors and windows is important. You can improve the thermal performance, comfort and the overall energy efficiency of your home whilst increasing its resale value. For most homes reducing heat gain is essential and you can achieve this without compromising daylight, comfort and energy efficiency by selecting the correct glass. Our consultants can help you to chose the best and most cost effective glass for your particular application or your energy certifier will nominate the performance requirement for whole of house by specifying the SHGC (Solar Heat Gain Coefficient) and UV (U Value) to meet the relevant Australian council building requirement. Our products are glazed to comply with Australian Standard 1288/2006 as required by the BCA (Building Code of Australia). Different glasses offer a variety of benefits such as safety, reducing heat and or glare, blocking UV radiation, transmitting visible light, and there is even a self-cleaning glass available. Talk to us about your particular needs and we will help you to make the best selection.
For further information go to our partners page and click on Viridian, Gjames and National Glass.
Selecting Your Screens
If you require screens, every Duce product can be screened. Screens include regular flywire screens and Supascreens for added strength. Screens are fitted internally (i.e. for casement windows) or externally (i.e. for double hungs) to suit the design. You can select sliding screens for your sliding doors or windows (ideal for a servery) or hinged screens to suit French doors. For bi-fold or folding doors you can select an Integrated Door Screen where the screen is integrated into the doorframe itself, or the EW system, Ask about our range of systems to suit your needs.
Selecting Your Finish
To protect your investment, we offer the first coat of finish in the factory to avoid any potential markings during transit or construction. As your consultant about the range of options available.